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  • Environment & Biodiversity (MCQs)

    Categories: Education

    Q.1. Recently, Union Fisheries Minister Parshottam Rupala inaugurated an artificial reef project in which state? (A) Tamil Nadu (B) Kerala (C) Andhra Pradesh (D) Goa   Answer: B (Kerala) &

  • Important Days and Events (MCQs)

    Categories: Education

    Q.1. Madras is the old name of the capital city of which Indian state? (A) Kerala (B) Tamil Nadu (C) Karnataka (D) Andhra Pradesh   Ans. (B) Tamil Nadu   Q.2. When is the National Sp

  • Physics Objective Choice Question MCQ

    Categories: Education

    1.Which among the following can be measured with Anemometer?[A] Water Velocity[B] Wind Velocity[C] Relative Humidity[D] Absolute HumidityCorrect Answer: B 2.Which of the following term denotes th

  • Travel And Tourism Multiple Choice Question

    Categories: Travel

    1. National tourism includesA. Domestic tourismB. Outbound tourismC. Domestic & Outbound tourismD. None of these.Answer C2. Visitors spending at least three hours away from home outside their usua

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Environment & Biodiversity (MCQs) Published at:- 2024-09-05 07:46:00 Important Days and Events (MCQs) Published at:- 2024-08-20 12:58:00 Physics Objective Choice Question MCQ Published at:- 2024-08-02 18:54:00 Travel And Tourism Multiple Choice Question Published at:- 2024-06-08 18:50:00
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