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Travel And Tourism Multiple Choice Question

Categories: Travel

1. National tourism includes

A. Domestic tourism

B. Outbound tourism

C. Domestic & Outbound tourism

D. None of these.

Answer C

2. Visitors spending at least three hours away from home outside their usual environment for leisure but not staying away overnight is known as

A. Leisure day visitor

B. Twisty

C. Same day visitor

D. None of these.

Answer C

3.The process of grouping people within a market according to similar needs, characteristics, or behavior is known as

A. Tourism marketing

B. Segmentation

C. Targeting

D. None of these

Answer B

4.When a visitor travels in his country of residence, he is a------------visitor

A. Domestic

B. International

C. Inbound

D. Out bound

Answer A

5. The Indian Government took its first tourist marketing initiative through the incredible India campaign in

A. 2001

B. 2000


D. 2002

Answer D

6.A person who travels on foot is known as

A. Pouching

B. Wayfarer

C. Cosmopolitan

D. None of these

Answer B

7.Illegal hunting of animals or land is under official protection, is known as

A. Pouching

B. Cosmopolitans

C. Way Tarer

D. None of these.

Answer A

8. The combination of geographic and demographic segmentation is known as

A. Geodemographic

B. Psychographic

C. Segmentation

D.  None of these

Answer A

9. The main aim of the tourism industry in India is

A. To spread word of month & create repeat visitors

B. To spread word of month

C. Create repeat visitors

D. None of these.

Answer A

10. BRIC includes Russia, India, China and----------

A. Bharma

B. Brazil

C. Bangladesh

D. None of these

Answer B

11. Written or electronic mail sent to prospective customer is known as

A. Direct mail

B. Indirect mail

C. Personal Mail

D. None of these

Answer A

12. The process of selling of a product through publicity is called

A. Marketing

B. Segmentation

C. Advertisement

D. Promotion

Answer D

13.  A tourism policy includes

A. Rules

B. Regulations

C. Objectives and strategies

D. All of the above

Answer D

14.The national tourism policy was drafter in





Answer A

15.The first tourism policy was implemented in





Answer B

16.The Serjent committee was appointed in





Answer A

17.WTTC was established in





Answer A

18.A person who moves from one location o another is known as ----

A. Tourist

B. Travellor

C. Inbound tourist

D. Out bound tourist

Answer B

19.The measurement of attributes through the use of anestians is known as----------

A. Emotion

B. Perception

C. Psychometrics

D. None of these.

Answer C

20.A person who is travelling a place for pleasure is known as

A. Tourist

B. Traveller

C. Inbound tourist

D. None of these

Answer A

Travel And Tourism Multiple Choice Question